Jesus loves the little children…

…and so do we! Just as Christ took the time to reach out to the children, we believe it is important to take the time to teach the children the Truths of God’s Word. During the developmental years is the time to build the firm foundation of faith through a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. We make every effort to meet the spiritual needs of children, teaching them about Jesus as early as we can!

Our children’s ministries include:

  • Sunday School
  • Nursery
  • Junior Church
Our nursery and classrooms are safe and kid friendly. Our children’s workers are required to have an Act 34 Criminal History Clearance and the Act 151 Child Abuse form on file in the church office. We carefully screen and appoint each worker to fit the age group and class that suits them best. We believe our teachers are the best around and very capable of discipling your children in God’s great truths!
If you have additional questions about our children’s ministries, please contact the church office at or call (814) 355-5678.

Sunday School

We have Sunday School classes for all ages!
2 & 3 Year Olds – Rm: 07b
PreK – 1st Grade – Rm: 07a
2nd – 3rd Grade – Rm: 05
4th – 6th Grade – Rm: 04
Teens – Rm: 03
Adults – Fellowship Hall
Adults – Rm: 101
Young Adults – Rm: 104
Ladies – Rm: 102
If you would like to teach a Sunday School class, contact the church office.


We offer nursery services from infants to toddlers for every service so that parents can have an opportunity to worship and grow.
Our nursery workers serve about once a month. We always need more workers in the nursery! If you would like to get involved in volunteering in the nursery, please contact the church office.

Junior Church

We provide Junior Church for children ages 4 through 2nd grade. Children in Junior Church begin upstairs for the morning service. They are dismissed to go down to Junior Church after the worship time.
The Great Commission involves teaching. Would you be willing to teach in Junior Church? Or maybe you would like to be a helper in Junior Church? Please contact the church office to get involved.


Our Awana program is for children ages 3 – 6th grade on Sunday evenings from 5:45 – 7:15. For more information on Awana, visit our Awana page. 


Children’s Resources